Imprint & Credits
Publisher and text:
P&H Management ltd
Via XXX Aprile, 2
39012 Merano I South Tyrol I Italy
Tel. +39 0473 448 335
Fax +39 0473 220 544
Tax number and number of inscription in the register of companies Bolzano: 02735620219
VAT Reg No: IT02735620219
Joint capital: 11.000 €, fully payed
Nr. REA: BZ-201305
Design and development:
Hotelsmerano on
- P&H Management srl (diverse photographers: Anguane, Beatrice Pilotto, Pasquale Granata, Marco Pompeo, Florian Busch, Stephan Alexander Schmuck, Daniela Skrzypczak, Paul Peter Gasser, Michael Markl):
- IDM Südtirol, Merano Marketing, Kurverwaltung Meran (diverse photographers: Florian Andergassen, Hubert Andergassen, Leonhard Angerer, Foto Press Arigossi Fabrizio, Elisa Arrais, Markus Auer, Udo Bernhart, Petr Blaha, Frieder Blickle, Gianni Bodini, Martin Braito, Christian Brecheis, Hans Brunner, Alberto Campanile, Hermann Castiglioni, Andrea Ceccarelli, Joachim Chwaszcza, Matthias Dantone, Oskar Dariz, De Biasi, Andale Peter Duschek, Norbert Eisele-Hein, Stefan Eisend, Mario Entero, Johannes Fein, Alex Filz, Martin Finke, Foto Dieter Drescher, Foto Mike, Foto Staschitz, Remo Forcellini, Foto-dpi, Sigrid Frei, Hermann Maria Gasser, Mauro Gambicorti, Gandolfi, Maria Gapp, Daniel Geiger, Fabrizio Giusti, Fritz Götsch, Anna Gruber, Albert Gruber, Robert Gruber, Thomas Grüner, Christian Gufler, Helmuth E. Günther, Anita Hafner, Markus Hell, Heidi Hintereck, Brunhilde Hofer, Matthias Hofer, Marita Holzner Tschannerl, Walter Innerhofer, Innerhofer Photodesign, Martina Jaider, Christian Jungwirth, Andree Kaiser, Hans Kammerlander, Manfred Kilian, Bruno Klomfar, Peter Klotz, Daniela Kofler, Manuel Kottersteger, Ralf Kreuels, Marion Lafogler, Claude Langlois, Max Lautenschläger, Sigi Lechner, Hans-Peter Leu, Walther Lücker, Ruben Mahlknecht, Erwin Mairginter, Thomas Malburg, Paola Marcello, Andreas Marini, Doris Marth, Clorenzo Masin, Georg Mayr, Robert Mendini, Sissa Micheli, Milanesio, MK Illumination, Laurin Moser, Remo Mosna, Ernst Müller, Michael Müller, Asselin Muro, Ulrich Musiol, Hannes Niederkofler, Hermann Oberhofer, Andreas Panzenberger, Valentin Pardeller, Diego Patete, Pawloswski, Florian Peer, Patrizia Pellegrini, Damian Lukas Pertoll, Klaus Peterlin, Bernardette Pfeifer, Stefan Pfeiffer, Benjamin Pfitscher, Magdalena Pföstl, Günther Pichler, Walter Pichler, Marc Pircher, Markus Pircher, Stefan Pircher, Hansjörg Pirpamer, Franz Pixner, Freddy Planinschek, Isidor Plangger, Kassian Plangger, Christian Platzer, Jessica Preuhs, Markus Prieth, Manuela Prossliner, Marion Prossliner, Alexa Rainer, Iris Ratschiller, Oswald Reichegger, Helmuth Rier, René Riller, Sighart Ritsch, Bernd Ritschel, Marco Samadelli, Peter Santer, Marco Santini, Stefano Scatà, Martin Schönegger, Stefan Schütz, Angelika Schwarz, Patrick Schwienbacher, Hartmann Seeber, Othmar Seehauser, Gigi Sommese, Flo Smith, Erich Spitaler, K. Stanzel, Kurt Steigerwald, Harald Steinert, Roland Strimmer, Tappeiner, Georg Tappeiner, Kurt Tappeiner, Gotthard Terrabona, Armin Terzer, Hannes Thaler, Karin Thaler, Ludwig Thalheimer, Alessandro Trovati, Christian Tschurtschenthaler, Erich Unterthurner, Peter Vanzo, Thomas Wiedenhofer, Heinz Widmann, Waltner Wirte, Harald Wisthaler, Gionata Xerra, Clemens Zahn, Alex Zambelli, Thomas Zwyssig, Aries Creative, Atesia-Tappeiner, Bar Kegelbahn St. Martin, Bergbahnen Meran 2000, Berglouter, Blue Light Orchestra, Bonata, Brauhotel Martinerhof, Chalet Hafling Leckplatt, Erlebnisfreibad St. Leonhard, Fara Fussball, Fotoclub Immagine Merano, Fotopress Arigossi, Flyhirzer, Freiraum, Gix GmbH, Golfclub Passeier, Grill-Imbiss Riffl, Günthers Skischule, Holzfällerteam Südtirol, Hotel Unterwirt, IDM Südtirol, Iref, Karnutsch Günther & Co. OHG, Kellerei Meran Bruggräfler, Kellerei Nals Margreid, Meranarena, Lanarepro, Medus, Museum Hinterpasseier, Museum Passeier, Naturbad Gargazon, Netzolutions OHG, Pfandler Alm, Ohnewein, Opas Diandl, Original Südtiroler Christkindlmärkte, Original Südtiroler Spitzbuam, Ortler Skiarena, Pfarrkirche Kuens, Pfarrkirche Maria Himmelfahrt, Pfarrkirche Zum Heiligen Leonard, PUR Südtirol, Raiffeisenkasse Passeier Gen., Raiffeisenkasse St. Martin, Roter Rucksack, Schuhplattler Stuls, Schloss Trauttmansdorff, Schnalstaler Gletscherbahn, Schürzenjäger, Schwimmbad St. Martin, Seiser Alm, Siek-It UG, Sirio Skyteam, Skilift Pfelders, Skischule Meran 2000, Skischule Pfelders, St. Anna Pfistradalm, Spinnradl, Sportarena St. Leonhard, Stadtgemeinde Meran, Step In, Stettiner Cup by Salewa, Stodlgang, Tandemclub, Tappeiner AG, Texelbahn AG, Therme Meran, The Quarrymen, Touriseum, Traktor Museum, TV Algund, TVB Eisacktal, TVB Hochpustertal, TVB Kronplatz, TV Deutschnonsberg, TV Dorf Tirol, TV Eppan Raiffeisen, TV Hafling-Vöran-Meran2000, TV Lana und Umgebung, TV Marling, TV Nals, TV Naturns-Plaus, TV Partschins-Rabland-Töll, TV Passeiertal, TV Schenna, TV Schnalstal, TV Tisens-Prissian, TV Ultental-Proveis, Ursprung Buam, Vibram,Vinschgau Marketing Marketing, Wezl):,,
- Terme Merano (diverse photographers: Kim Andreolli; Frieder Blickle, Oskar Dariz, DOCsrl, Mario Entero, Marion Gelmini-Tappeiner, Christian Gufler, Marion Lafogler, Manuela Prossliner, Helmuth Rier, Tappeiner, Trend, Gionata Xerra):
- The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle (Centro di Sperimentazione Agraria e Forestale Laimburg, Flyles Planet, Marion Gelmini, Christian Gufler, Alexander Pircher, Manuela Prossliner, Patrick Schwienbacher Werbefoto Seppi, Spherea3D ltd):
- Meran Mais Racecource (Foto Press Arigossi):
- Meraner Musikwochen Verein:
- Vitalis Dr. Joseph:
- Daniela Skrzypczak:
- Asfaltart (fotografi diversi: Anna Ferigo, Sandy Kirchlechner, Fabrizio Giusti) :
- Società sportiva amatoriale nell’ambito dello sport alpino:
- Fotolia:
- iStockPhoto:
Honor to whom honor is due. We love beautiful pictures. And we are happy that we can use so many of them. However, if we unknowingly did not name a writer or photographer here, or if we misassigned him, please note that this was not our intention. Please let us know this immediately, in order that we can correct our mistake. Thank you.
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P&H Mamagement srl has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this web site is accurate. However, P&H Management srl makes no warranty, either expressed or implied as to its preciseness, correctness and completeness.
P&H Management is not responsible for the content of external web sites linked to its site by hyperlink.
P&H Management reserves the rights to change and adapt the current content without prior notice.
Transparent administration
Information within the meaning of Art. 1, Paragraph 125, of Law No. 124 of August 4, 2017
It should be noted that the company did not receive any subsidies, grants or financial benefits from public corporations that exceeded the legally stipulated minimum amount, with the exception of the benefits listed below and those that are required to publish in the “Registro Nazionale” in accordance with the applicable statutory provisions degli Aiuti di Stato “and in the section on transparency to which reference is made, the following are stated:
Year 2023:
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – 1° Quarter 2023: 9.402,00 €
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – 2° Quarter 2023: 2.777,00 €
Year 2022:
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – 2° Quarter 2022: 9.064,00 €
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – 3° Quarter 2022: 14.277,00 €
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – October/November 2022: 10.056,00 €
Revenue Agency – Energy Bonus for non-energy-intensive companies – December 2022: 7.765,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for GIS hotel property tax – Art. 22 D.L.n. 21/22: 5.168,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for rent and lease payments – Art. 5 D.L. n. 4/22: 87.432,00 €
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution: 3.999,00 €
Year 2021:
Revenue Agency – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 1 D.L. n. 41/21: 55.501,00 €
Revenue Agency – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 1, c. 1-3, D.L. n. 73/21: 55.501,00 €
Revenue Agency – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 1, c. 5-15, D.L. n. 73/21: 5.278,00 €
Revenue Agency – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 1, c. 16-27, D.L. n. 73/21: 41.465,00 €
Ministero del Turismo – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 6 Decree of 24.08.2021: 100.000,00 €
Ministero Politiche Agricole – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution / Art. 58 D.L. n. 104/20: 8.706,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for „Canone Rai“ – Art. 6, c. 6 D.L. n. 41/21: 1.018,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for rent and lease payments: 196.956,00 €
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Covid-19 contribution: 100.000,00 €
Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution: 11.236,00 €
City of Merano – 1st rate of GIS hotel property tax canceled – year 2021: 10.337,00 €
Year 2020:
Revenue Agency – Cancellation IRAP saldo competence previous year: 24.689,00 €
Revenue Agency – Covid-19 / Ristori loss contribution: 91.424,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for rent and lease payments: 230.191,00 €
Revenue Agency – Tax credit for protective material Covid-19: 2.405,00 €
City of Merano – GIS hotel property tax canceled – year 2020: 20.674,00 €
The subsidies received are stated according to the inflow or cash principle. Other grants or financial benefits are recorded according to the competence principle.
Registro Nazionale degli Aiuti di Stato:
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